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The best email trigger examples you should use if you own a hotel

The hotel email trigger is one of the strategies that cannot be missed in this sector to seduce and attract valuable audiences to brands or hotels. The winter season is just The best email around the corner, but many hotel companies are looking to attract the attention of customers during these dates. 

Having an email trigger for your hotel is key to increasing the chances of having new clients for the hotel sector . The famous email triggers serve to get people to execute a certain action proposed by the brand. Email Marketing is one of the channels with the best ROI today and that is why it is so widely used today. 

However, good results are only achieved with strategic planning. For each action that you want the visitor to take, there is an email template. The ideal is to generate an action plan in advance so that the hotel does not spend budget on actions that do not yield results , hence the importance of trigger emails for hotels.


Hotel email trigger in depth 


Hotel email triggers are personalized actions that are taken in the marketing world to encourage customers to take a certain action. These hotel email trigger actions are not massive like traditional mass emailings . These messages are very important because they generate a certain action.

These emails are sent when a person performs a certain action, such as making a hotel reservation, purchasing a hotel tour package, reserving a car for their stay as a guest, reserving a dinner, etc. They can also be sent for a special date.

The hotel email trigger allows you to convert potential customers into active customers for the brand. It even works to recover those customers who have brazil phone number data moved away from the brand in recent times. One of its most interesting features is that it can be used throughout the customer’s life cycle. 


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The added value of email triggers for hotels


The added value of trigger emails for hotels is that they offer how email marketing can help your live shopping strategy advantages for both the brand and the clients or guests. If everything is planned and well organized, the company will gain in agility and will have to invest. Less time in capturing the attention of potential clients. 

CRMs allow you to better organize and manage hotel email triggers. This is because it allows you to segment customers and create user groups based on their behaviors and characteristics.

Customers will not feel like just another part of the equation, but will be phone number taiwan valued with direct and personalized treatment in each case. By receiving information only about what they like most, their level of satisfaction will be much higher and their intention to purchase will increase exponentially. 

How to optimize email triggers for hotels? 


 To optimize email triggers for hotels, you can do it in the following ways, divided into 6 different groups: 

A.- Segment the database

The email database must be segmented in order to send the right messages to the desired group of people at the most opportune time. The objective is that each person receives the most appropriate message possible. This is according to the so-called “ customer journey ”. For example, a customer who has been loyal all year is not the same as a new one.

At this point, it is very important to keep in mind that it costs much more money to attract new customers than to maintain or cultivate existing customers. It is estimated that it can be more expensive, up to five or eight times more than the customers you already have.

B.- Aprovechar los momentos claves: trigger email para hotel

Hay que tener en cuenta que los clientes buscan lugares de hospedaje en momentos determinados del año. Por eso es importante reconocer cuáles son esos momentos para enviar el mensaje correcto en tiempo y forma. Por ejemplo, se pueden enviar mensajes personalizados como promociones, descuentos, etc para captar la atención de los clientes.

C.- Los datos del clientes son claves

Todos los clientes que son atraídos por una publicidad, una promoción o simplemente por el trigger email para hotel son personas dispuestas a dejar sus datos como correo electrónico en la base de datos. Este es el momento preciso de enviar ofertas exclusivas a estos clientes para aumentar las ventas y las oportunidades de negocio en todas sus formas. 

D.- Personaliza los envíos

Lograr personalizar los trigger email para hotel es clave porque va a permitir acercar a la marca a los intereses particulares de cada usuario. No solo se trata de llamarlos por su nombre, sino de satisfacer las necesidades de estos y solucionar sus problemas. Hacerlos sentir especiales es clave para cualquier empresa. 

E.- Asuntos breves y al grano: trigger email para hotel

Utilizar asuntos breves hace a los emails mucho más atractivos para las personas. Y es que un asunto muy largo es considerado engorroso para leer por completo. Por otra parte, un asunto corto será mejor visto y tendrá mayor probabilidades de funcionar para los clientes. También se pueden hacer pruebas A/B para determinar que tipo de asuntos gustan más.

F.- Añadir Call to action

La inclusión de los call to action es muy importante. Para que las personas puedan ejercer su acción de compra, de descarga, de lectura, etc. Los trigger email para hotel van a activar el interés de las personas y son muchos los ejemplos que se pueden conseguir como incluir un botón de reserva de un hotel, o conseguir un número telefónico para llamar.

5 ejemplos de trigger email para hotel 


Los siguientes son algunos de los mejores ejemplos de trigger email para hotel que se pueden utilizar en el negocio de la hostelería. 

1.- Email de agradecimiento a los huéspedes


Es muy importante mantener la relación entre el cliente y la marca y esta es una de las mejores formas de lograrlo. Es una oportunidad única para fidelizar. El gusto de un cliente por un hotel puede no terminar solo en el check out, ya que el hotel debe permanecer presente en la mente de los clientes.

Los emails de agradecimiento por haber pasado una velada o un. Tiempo de vacaciones son clave para que los huéspedes tengan pensado regresar. De igual forma, pueden. Funcionar muy bien como una manera de medir el gusto de las personas por el centro hotelero. Se puede incluir una pequeña encuesta.

2.- Welcome email for new customers


welcome email trigger for a hotel is almost as necessary as the arrival of new guests. A charming and personalized arrival message can increase the email opening rate by almost 26%. You can brag to the guest about all the virtues and benefits of the hotel. 

Generating expectations about what guests can expect at the hotel is a very interesting way to capture their attention. Listing the services and benefits of their stay at the hotel can be key.

3.- Room upgrade email

This type of message should be sent days before the client’s arrival at the hotel. It serves to try to change the client’s mind about the services offered, such as exchanging a normal room for a VIP one. It is also a good opportunity to sell additional hotel services, such as tourist services.

For example, you can name the daily activities that the guest can enjoy in addition to their stay at the hotel. These could be training sessions, spa, massages, sports such as football, basketball or golf, etc.

4.- Remarketing email


Remarketing email triggers for hotels serve to remind customers of the brand’s presence and are widely used in the world of e-commerce to recover shopping carts, for example. In the world of hotels, they can be used to remind customers of the presence of a hotel when a vacation is approaching. 

For example, you can send a campaign. To customers who have already visited your hotel to encourage them to return at some point. This can convert visitors into guests. This is because of the large number of people who visit a brand’s website but do not end up booking.

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